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Détail de la Manifestation

Date de l'évènement: 21/07/2024 09:00 - 27/07/2024 08:30 Exporter l'évènement
Christine SAJOT

21 au 26/07/2024 - WCCM 2024 - Minisymposium 0605 Architected Materials and Structures

Chers Collègues,


J'ai l'honneur de co-organiser un Minisymposium sur les matériaux architecturés/métamatériaux lors du WCCM 2024 à Vancouver (Canada) du 21 au 26 Juillet 2024 : Architected Materials and Structures Minisymposium 0605


Je rappelle ci-dessous brièvement les objectifs de ce mini-symposium. N'hésitez pas à nous proposer des interventions via le lien de soumission des abstracts suivant :


Architected Materials and Structures


Architected materials and structures offer a unique avenue for engineers to achieve customized properties and functionalities from conventional base materials. These innovative materials and structures find applications across a diverse range of fields, including optical, acoustic, and structural domains. The inherent versatility offered by these materials has naturally awakened the interest of both academia and industry as they strive to capitalize on their potential. 


This mini symposium seeks to bring together researchers working on different aspects of architected materials and structures, including topics ranging from theoretical and computational methods of analysis, methods for design and synthesis, to application and methods of fabrication.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


  • Architected materials and structures for structural, acoustic, thermal, mechanical, biomechanical, electromagnetic, and other applications.
  • Methods for design of architected materials and structures, including data-driven and optimization techniques.
  • Nonlinear behavior of architected materials and structures. 
  • Hierarchical architected materials and structures.
  • Bio-inspired architected materials and structures.
  • Knitted or woven architected materials and structures.
  • Adaptive, active, reconfigurable architected materials and structures. 
  • Novel fabrication methods for architected materials and structures.

Dans l'espoir de vous lire très bientôt.


Excellente journée


Directrice du Pôle Sciences et Technologies de Défense
Maître de Conférences - Mécanique et Génie Civil
CREC -- Académie Militaire de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan
Chercheure associée IRDL -- Université Bretagne Sud

Article précédent 13 au 18/10/2024 - Journées d’étude sur l’adhésion - Obernai
Article suivant Concours Photo : Plus belle la mécanique

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